(City of Akron) Today, Mayor Dan Horrigan joined the members of the new Akron Fulton Airport Advisory Board to announce the City of Akron’s recommitment to the future of the airport as an economic development driver for the city and region. The Akron Fulton Airport Advisory Board was formed earlier this year to make recommendations to City leadership and provide insight into how to best channel resources to catalyze business development.
“I established the Advisory Board because I have witnessed, first-hand, that in most thriving cities the regional general aviation airport plays a critical role in fostering and supporting economic development activities,” Mayor Horrigan said. “In light of market trends, we all must be more intentional and aligned in our pursuit of growth—and investing in the Akron Fulton Airport is a key part of our strategy to set Akron apart and attract new job-creating businesses.”
The Advisory Board has been busy developing a strategic plan for the airport’s future use and development to achieve the Mayor Horrigan’s vision. Included in this plan are efforts to enhance service to customers and rebrand and market the airport. The City’s Office of Integrated Development stands poised to assist and support the attraction of new airport customers and development in and around the airport.
The City is making important capital investments in the airport as well, including flight obstruction clearing, which is nearly complete. These improvements will allow for flight operations at night and during low visibility conditions. The resurfacing of main runway 7-25 will take place in 2020, followed by the removal of the north-south runway 1-19. Both projects are funded 90% by the Federal Aviation Administration, 5% by the Ohio Department of Transportation, and 5% by local City funds. These improvements, along with the demolition of the Rubber Bowl, will open up new opportunities for development that can complement flight operations.
“I’m really excited about the possibilities and opportunities at Akron Fulton,” Phil Maynard, chair of the Akron Fulton Airport Advisory Board said. “The sky’s the limit!”
“I appreciate the ground work the Board has done thus far, and I urge them to continue to solicit input from diverse enterprises to determine how we best strengthen the airport together,” Mayor Horrigan continued. “I am encouraged by the immense potential for growth, and I have full confidence in Phil Maynard and the other leaders who have agreed to serve on the Advisory Board. I look forward to collaborating with them and our business community to drive a new, successful chapter in the history of the Akron Fulton Airport.”