Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn is the "Wynn" part of the Wynn and Wilson morning show on WQMX. Scott is a Northeast Ohio native, a 28- year radio veteran and has hosted many great morning shows in markets all over the country. Scott's stops have included Columbus, Ohio; Richmond, Virginia; Jefferson City, Missouri; and Lakeland, Florida. In 1997 Scott, while at WPCV in Lakeland was recognized with then-partner Tom O'Brien as the CMA Broadcast Personality of the Year. Scott is lifetime member of the CMA, and has worked in country radio exclusively for the past 26 years. Scott is also a contributor or as a blogger and as a movie reviewer. Contact Scott at

Monday, 01 April 2019 18:32

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now!

Let's see what is new and what is on the way at the movies

Friday, 25 January 2019 13:48

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now

Let's see what's at the movies these days!

Monday, 29 October 2018 12:32

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now


Well, it's 40 years later and this series is still going and still a hit.  This version picks up 40 years after the original, and attempts to take us to back to the original story to a degree.

Jamie Lee Curtis stars in this, she still plays the same character as she did in the original, and she has a score to settle with Micheal Meyers who has been in jail for 40 years, but is now out as he has escaped.  Some of this really works, and some of this really doesn't.  My biggest problem is simply this.  Somehow, Micheal Meyers who is now 60-plus is still the awesome force he was then.  You can shoot him, run him down with a car, and about anything else, and he's not even phased.

There is a nice "creepy" factor to this and there is wonderful use of the incredible soundtrack as well.  This looks good, and outside of the Meyers gaffe, there is a decent script the work with here. But in the end, the star of this movie, is the nostalgia that surrounds it.  Fans love the idea of this as much as any frame of this movie.

Halloween.  Tons of hype. 


First Man

This is a huge role or Ryan Gosling and he delivers in the new Neil Armstrong bio-pic, First Man. Armstrong, of course the first human to walk on the moon, was a very complicated man, and this pic dares to go there.  This is more than just a NASA flick, it shows Armstrong in all facets of his life in the heat of the space race.  And to its credit, they show a man who is amazing, and very flawed at the same time.

This deals with his personal life, as much as his life as an astronaut.  The severe ups and downs he was dealing with both as a professional and as a husband and father.  What we have is a man who is not the warmest muffin in the tin, and one that takes tragedy and decides to lose himself in his work.  This also shows the extreme pressure the entire NASA family was under during the Gemini and Apollo Programs, as that is part of the story.

Gosling is terrific, and so the the very large supporting cast.  This takes us back beautifully to the Saturn V days of NASA, and the sets, costuming, styling, makeup and special effects are extremely good. The musical soundtrack is right on point, especially during the lunar scenes, and the use of actual NASA spoken footage is fantastic too.

This had a disappointing opening weekend money wise, and that's too bad.  Not enough action maybe for some, and the timing of this release is strange, as I feel more around the holidays may have been better.  This may be the best movie of the year that no one will really see.   Very, very good.

A Star Is Born

It will be a brave critic who will dare give a negative about this new version of a classic tale.  So many won't go there. And neither will I, as this is pretty darn good for the most part.  Bradley Cooper and Lady GAGA star in this nicely updated adaptation of the timeless story.  They both shine.  But she is terrific!

The music has been updated well, and for my eyes and ears, there could have been more of it.  The two things this movie needed was her, and new music, and they both deliver.  This will be the opportunity and the role of her career, as these kind of projects don't come around often, and she grabs it.  There is Oscar buzz about her here, and a nomination will happen, and probably a win. This is powerful, emotional and moving much of the time. There are some very poignant scenes that had the theater crying, and that's to its credit.

Truth be told, this had great pace to it and the 2 hour 15 is not really a problem.  There is a weakness or two.  For me, Lady GAGA, in her role was not an underdog enough at the beginning, and some of her written dialogue is tough to believe at times, but that fades.  Her rise to stardom is handled well after a shaky start, but it's not a deal breaker.  Cooper is good here, but his character is extremely one dimensional and that is fatiguing at times.  But again, there is far more to like here, than not.

A Star Is Born.  You'll love it, well done.

Saturday, 14 July 2018 15:53

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now

Mission Impossible: Fallout


For some reason we just don't get tired of this Tom Cruise series based on the old TV show of the same name. And this is pretty good.

Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and his team at the IMF are this time trying to save the world from nuclear attack.  This has a great cast, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Henry Cavill, Alec Baldwin, Angela Bassett, Rebecca Ferguson, and Michelle Monaghan.  There is plenty of action to go around, and there are some amazing chase scenes that are memorable.  This is filmed wonderfully, and set in a beautiful European backdrop for the most part.

This is fun, exciting and has great pace.  It may be a bit too long, but what action movie isn't?  For some reason this franchise is aging well. Why? Great cast, and an original premise spawned decades ago, that is holding up against the test of time.

Well Done.



Equalizer 2

I would ask you this.  Pay no real attentoin to the stuffy national critics on this one, they are begin unkind and having ridiculous expectations here.  If you go, you will like his flick.  Denzel is back as the complicated Robert McCall.

This is a summer action flick, with a brain.  McCall s still called by his troubled past to help those who can't help themselves, and this does lose a bit of focus at times and winds off course a bit.  So what?  Refreshing that we have a movie that is adult, and McCall is taking on real people, that live in our world today.  And being even more fair, he is fighting to help the ONE person and not save the universe from some creature that can fly and has rays flying out of his eyes.



This has been update nicely, and looks great. Antione Fuqua is a great director and his mark is all over this. Denzel is terrific, and so is the supporting cast.  Yes, this is plenty violent, but his business is messy. This is handled very well, and is not gratuitous. Not all movies are made to win Oscars, and this won't, but you'll like it.  An we need movies that are more human based for grown ups to see.

Equalizer 2 -  Nothing wrong here.  Hoping for more.




The Rock just keeps making movies that people want to see.  This is one of them.  This is nothing except summer thrills and fun.

I can't even say this is a good movie.  But what I can say this is an entertaining movie, especially in the summertime.  The Rock is trying to save hisfamily from the worlds tallest building that is on fire, and under attack by terrible people.   Can we love this guy any more?


This is filled with sweaty palmed moments and we are almost falling 3,000 feet many times. This movies along nicely and is compelling in it's action, as opposed to its underlying plot, which is adequate at best.   But you won't care. This is summer fun action with a smile.  And a good, fun action flick is right on time right now

Sacario 2

The original was a very good movie, and so is this one. This is one of those movies that has no good guys whatsoever.  This deals with the drug cartels, how are awful.  The secret part of the US Government , and they are awful.  Corrupt police north and south of the US/Mexican border.

This is the second in what is turning out to be a series, as this is set up for more.  This time the US kidnaps a cartel leaders daughter in the effort to start a civil war between the cartels in Mexico.  The effort is being made because in our movie, he president has deemed the cartels as terrorists.  And we must engage theme south of the border.

Needless to say, this goes wrong.  Violent, harsh, not easy movie watching. But very good, and puts you on a slow burn that keep you watching.  A hard R rating, and well deserved.  The first one was good, this is very good.




Monday, 09 April 2018 09:26


A bunch of new movies coming out this week, lets take a look at a few!


Monday, 15 January 2018 17:10

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now

Bunch of new movies for you this week, let's check them out!

Saturday, 23 December 2017 14:47

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now

The movies are coming out at a fast pace these days, keep checking in on the latest reviews.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017 17:16

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now

The prime movie season is here now, and the movies are coming out fast and we will keep up.

Saturday, 18 November 2017 10:52

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now

The better movie season is finally here, and let's see what's new for you this week at the flicks!

Monday, 06 November 2017 15:49

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now

Bad Moms Christmas

This bunch is back again, and this time taking on Christmas.


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