Displaying items by tag: Donald Trump

Thursday, 10 October 2019 10:08

Ray Horner Podcast - 10/11/2019

:19 - It’s time for another Ghoulardifest, this time at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds. Little John Rinaldi, of Big Chuck and Little John fame, puts on the event, and he promoted it on the morning show. Ray and Tony talked to John about the festival, the late Tim Conway’s impact, and his favorite skits from the popular WJW program.

9:03 - Could Hillary Clinton creep into the Democratic race? It may not happen, but members of both parties won’t totally rule her out. Ray and Tony chatted about the presidential race from the Democrat side and how they can regain some of the base’s support.

Be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms. Facebook: 1590WAKRakron Instagram: @1590WAKR Twitter: @1590WAKR, @Rayinthemorning, @TonyMazur

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Wednesday, 25 September 2019 08:36

Ray Horner Podcast - 9/25/2019

:19 - House speaker Nancy Pelosi announced an inquiry on impeachment of President Donald Trump over the Ukraine whistleblower case. Dr. David Beer, professor of political science at Malone University, touched on what’s to come for the House, the Senate, Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and the Bidens.

9:58 - It’s that time of year for the Akron Marathon, and director Brian Polen stopped by the studios to preview what’s to come, from the race itself to road closures.

17:36 - When was the last time you purchased a magazine? Was it recently? Was it as recent as the last decade? Magazines seem to be going under left and right, and the newsstands at the grocery store went from an entire aisle to a smaller kiosk.

Be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms. Facebook: 1590WAKRakron Instagram: @1590WAKR Twitter: @1590WAKR, @Rayinthemorning, @TonyMazur

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Monday, 24 June 2019 09:06

Ray Horner Podcast - 6/24/2019

:17 - Movie theaters were abuzz over the weekend with Toy Story 4 opening, but are movie goers tiring of franchises (i.e., Marvel, Star Wars, etc.)? And what will be the future of movie theaters going forward?

9:16 - Dr. David Beer is a professor of political science at Malone University, and he is our resident political analyst on the morning show. He talked to Ray about a slew of topics such as Iran and the United States’ strategy over it, the deportation of illegal immigrants, and the upcoming Democratic debates.

16:46 - Michael Gershe was involved in a car accident when he was just eight weeks old, with his mother being killed by a drunk driver. He has lived to tell his story through humor, and his mission is to educate others on the effects of impaired driving through his program and new book, The Magic of Life. He talked about his book on the air with Ray.

22:49 - And finally, veterinarian Dr. Gary Riggs stopped by to chat about heart worm and ticks this time of year.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Thursday, 30 May 2019 08:09

Ray Horner Podcast - 5/30/2019

:17 - A recent study looks pretty bleak for America, as Millennials are not having kids at the rate of previous generations, and it could affect the economy. The two Millennials in the studio, Tony and Steffany, are both childless and weighed in.

6:45 - Today is the final day of the year from Akron Public Schools students. From the I Promise school to all the new career academies, David James has been quite busy, but he spared a few minutes in studio with Ray to recap the school year that was.

19:22 - Robert Mueller spoke on Wednesday, and many on the political left wonder if that will lead congress to go forward with an impeachment proceeding for President Donald Trump. Dr. David Beer, professor of political science at Malone University, reviewed Mueller’s press conference and the possibility of impeachment, which he admits may help Trump in 2020.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Wednesday, 10 April 2019 09:43

Ray Horner Podcast - 4/10/2019

:17 - Donald Trump broke the mold when it came to a non-traditional candidate becoming president, but will that be commonplace or just an anomaly? Which other non-political candidates can make a splash? The panel discussed.

10:23 - Capital Financial’s Richard Peterson called into the show to give a breakdown of the recent economy, higher oil prices, tax laws, and post-secondary education.

22:18 - Heading out of town this spring or summer? Maybe leaving the country? SACS security president Tim Dimoff shared some safety tips and what to watch for when vacationing in a foreign area.

28:51 - The Indians have had a stellar week against the Blue Jays and Tigers, but they’ve also received bad news on the back injury to Mike Clevinger. Broadcaster Jim Rosenhaus talked all things Tribe, both good and bad.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Wednesday, 01 March 2017 20:42

AUDIO: Reps. Ryan, Joyce React To Trump Speech

President Donald Trump struck a different, much softer tone as he laid out an outline of his policy agenda Tuesday night in a joint address to Congress. Reps. Tim Ryan (D-Niles) and Dave Joyce (R-Russell Twp.) joined Jasen to react to the speech and discuss how Trump's proposals will be viewed in Congress.

Published in Jasen Sokol
Tuesday, 14 February 2017 08:40

President Cancels NEO Visit

President Donald Trump has canceled his planned trip to Northeast Ohio later this week, and hasn't given a reason why yet. 

On Monday, Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport Director Dan Dickton says he was notified that the President wouldn't be making his scheduled landing on Thursday. Dickton says he was not told why, just that it's been canceled. 

The President was flying into town to sign a joint resolution from Congress, reversing an order former-President Obama had signed placing regulations on coal mine drainage. 

Last year, the Department of the Interior finalized the Stream Protection Rule that would have protected surface water and groundwater from coal mining polution, according to them. 

President Trump, while not coming to Youngstown, is still expected to sign that resolution. 

Published in Local
President Trump is actively filling out his cabinet, though he is encountering a few roadblocks from the political opposition.

Congressman Jim Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show for his monthly visit, and he spoke about the “unique and different” cabinet the president is putting together. He wishes the Democrats could give the president a chance to succeed by getting the members on board as soon as possible, rather than delaying matters.

Rep. Renacci also touched on education, specifically about student loan debt and Betsy DeVos, the newly-confirmed Education Secretary. The Ohio congressman also spoke about the Congressional Review Act, which is an act that congressional leaders put forth to overturn certain bills pushed by an outgoing president at the end of his term.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Monday, 30 January 2017 18:38

AUDIO: Mandel, Walters React to Travel Ban

Reaction to President Donald Trump's executive order pausing the refugee process and suspending visas for citizens of seven Middle Eastern countries has been swift and loud on both sides. Protesters gathered at airports across the country over the weekend while Trump surrogates took to the Sunday shows to defend the order. Liz Walters of the International Institute joined Jasen to express her concerns and talk about the travel ban's impact on Akron, while Ohio Treasurer and 2018 Senate candidate Josh Mandel expressed his support for Trump's action.

Published in Jasen Sokol

The political discourse has been heated lately, but we didn't expect anyone to lose an ear in the process.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports a debate over President Donald Trump's immigration policies ended when Salatiel Marcos Ortiz's roommate bit a part of his ear off. The Mike Tyson-esque incident occurred early Monday morning. Ortiz also suffered a broken finger. Police are still searching for the roommate.

Published in Jasen Sokol
Tuesday, 22 November 2016 19:07

AUDIO: Could Renacci Be Treasury Secretary?

Rep. Jim Renacci (R-Wadsworth) was one of President Elect Donald Trump's earliest supporters in Ohio, and now his name is in the national discussion for a cabinet post.

A Forbes column last week made the case as to why Renacci should receive an appointment. Renacci joined Jasen and said while he has had discussions with Trump's transition team, he has not talked with Trump specifically about a cabinet post.

Published in Jasen Sokol
A week has passed since Donald Trump became president-elect of the United States, and the transition period has begun. The transition isn’t just the changing of the guard in the executive branch, but the GOP takeover in the Senate and House.

Senator Sherrod Brown joined the Ray Horner Morning Show to share his thoughts on the election. Being a Democrat, Brown has reservations for Trump’s cabinet, which includes right-wing media magnate Steve Bannon, but says he will help the transition in any way he can. However, he is not in favor of building walls or deporting immigrants and Muslims.

Senator Brown’s name, as well as Rep. Tim Ryan’s, has been floating around in terms of fresh leadership in the Democrat Party. Though he is flattered, Brown says his focus is not on a leadership position, but on Ohio, and wants to lead on issues such as trade and Medicaid.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Wednesday, 16 November 2016 05:16

Trump Protests Invade Akron, Remain Peaceful

Roughly 750 protesters, according to organizer Stephen Kaledecker, gathered at the Chipotle on W. Market Street Tuesday night, voicing their displeasure with the results of the 2016 Presidential Election. 

"Trump Protest, Akron" was the name of the Facebook group that organized the rally just about a week in advance. As protests have been organized across the nation, a group of friens with aligning political views got together and created the public event. Before they knew it more than 2,000 people replied with either an RSVP or a "maybe." With numbers like that, Kaledecker says they had no idea what to expect. 

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The event officially began just after 11 p.m. Tuesday night as the group rallied and then set off on a march down W. Market St. The inital plan, according to the Facebook page, was to march to the University of Akron campus. Plans changed, however, as Kaledecker said they did not want to disrupt the residents of the area. When asked why they scheduled the event from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. on a Tuesday night, he said, "Our voices and our feelings don't stop at 8 o'clock at night." He went on to say, "We're not going to rest until our voices are heard." 

The collective voice of the "Trump Protest, Akron" group was heard down W. Market to S. Valley and then back to Chipotle from just after 11 p.m. Tuesday until about 1:30 a.m. Wednesday. The best part of the protest: Everyone remained peaceful. Akron Police, while present, stayed relatively quiet and let the protesters say their piece; as long as they stayed on the sidewalks of W. Market. The reason the group did not need a permit was because they planned to stay on the sidewalks, and they did. 

Published in Local
Monday, 07 November 2016 17:52

Presidential Race Hits Home Stretch

It's Election Eve, and the presidential candidates are criss-crossing key swing states in search of the votes they need to put them in the White House. Kyle Kondik, Managing Editor of Sabato's Crystal Ball, and Dave Cohen of the Bliss Institute at The University of Akron joined Jasen with a look at what to expect on Election Day.

Published in Jasen Sokol

The cover of this month's Summit County Sheriff's Office newsletter has the leader of Akron's NAACP chapter concerned.

Judi Hill told The Beacon Journal she feels the cover photo of Sheriff Steve Barry and SWAT team members posing with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani at a campaign event in August is an inappropriate use of public funds this close to an election and undermines the relationship between law enforcement and the African American community. Barry says the picture is not an endorsement for Trump, but rather was a rare opportunity for the SWAT team to get a picture with someone they were protecting.

Both Hill and Barry joined The Jasen Sokol Show on Monday.

Published in Jasen Sokol
Wednesday, 14 September 2016 21:17

Trump Touts Polls, Blasts Ford In Canton

Donald Trump did something Wednesday that he hasn't been able to do much since the end of the Republican primaries – tout his poll numbers.

Speaking to a crowd of several thousand at the Canton Civic Center, Trump began his remarks with a mention of polls from Bloomberg and CNN/ORC that show Trump leading Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton by five points in Ohio. Those numbers are the best Trump has had in Ohio against Clinton in the entire cycle, according to RealClearPolitics.

"There's a movement," Trump said of his chances of winning. "States are in play that no Republican has ever come close to winning."

Discussion of poll numbers has been conspicuously absent from Trump's recent Ohio stops after they were a centerpiece of his rally speeches across the country throughout the primary season.

Trump also blasted Ford, which announced Wednesday that it would be moving small car production to Mexico.

"If you think you're going to make cars and you're going to sell them tax free... Not going to happen that way," Trump said. "We're going to charge you a 35 percent tax on every car that is made outside of the United States."

Trump said car manufacturers and other companies moving from one state to another would be okay, quipping of states like Ohio and Michigan that there's "only so much I can do for you."

Referencing Clinton's battle with pneumonia that has forced to cancel campaign appearances this week, Trump said he wants her better and back on the campaign trail. But he criticized Clinton for the now-infamous "basket of deplorables" line, saying he doesn't see people who support Clinton as deplorable.

"I call people who aren't supporting me American citizens who are entitled to the same respect as everyone else," Trump said. "And I will not stop campaigning for every vote in every American city until November 8."

There was barely any reference made to the child care and family leave plans Trump rolled out Tuesday, but Trump made many mentions of his trip to Flint, Mich. earlier in the day.

Several speakers, including State Rep. Christian Hagan (R-Alliance), Summit County Republican Party Chairman Jeff Matthews, and The Apprentice star Omarosa, preceded Trump on the stage. Outside, a small group of protesters gathered across the Civic Center driveway to demonstrate against Trump.

Published in News
Monday, 12 September 2016 09:28

Trump To Campaign In Canton

Donald Trump is bringing is campaign back to Northeast Ohio with an event planned for Wednesday night at 7 p.m.

The Republican candidate for president is heading back to Ohio after two stops in Northeast Ohio last week. His speaking engagement is at the Canton Memorial Civic Center. Doors open at 4 p.m. 

If you plan on attending the free event, the campaign is asking that you RSVP on the campaign website

Published in Local
Monday, 05 September 2016 08:47

Clinton, Trump Labor Day Campaigning In NEO

With Labor Day typically marking the kickoff to the Fall campaign, both major party candidates for president will be laboring on the campaign trail with stops in Northeast Ohio on Monday. 

First, Donald Trump's campaign is set for a morning meeting with Labor Union leaders in Cleveland, followed by a campaign stop at the Canfield Fair in Youngstown at some point in the afternoon. Trump will be joined by his running mate Mike Pence at both events.  

Hillary Clinton's Campaign, meanwhile, is scheduled for a Labor Day afternoon event in Cleveland. The 11th Congressional District Community Caucus kicks off at 10 a.m., and she is expected to speak with her Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine, at about 2 p.m. at the Kids Village and Senior Pavillion at Luke Easter Park on Kinsman Rd. 

Published in Local
Thursday, 18 August 2016 16:15

Trump Rally Scheduled At UA

It looks like Donald Trump will be coming to Akron after all.

According to his campaign website, Trump will be stopping by the James A. Rhodes Arena on the University of Akron campus on Monday for a rally at 7:00 PM.

Trump was previously scheduled to appear in Akron after the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last month, but later canceled the event.

He has visited northeast Ohio twice in past two weeks, once at Youngstown State and earlier at private fundraiser in Stark County.

Tickets to the rally at UA are available on his campaign website.

Published in Local
Thursday, 04 August 2016 01:13

Trump In Stark

Donald Trump will reportedly be in Stark County on Monday, though his appearance won't be a public rally or event.

The Repository reports that Jane and Tim Timken will host what's being called "an evening reception" with Trump, reportedly at a Jackson Township country club.

The reception with Trump won't be cheap - tickets will start at $2700 per person, and run as high as $50,000 per couple.


On the Web: Canton Repository, www.cantonrep.com

Published in Local
Wednesday, 27 July 2016 10:04

AUDIO Brown To Trump: Where Were You?

Now that Hillary Clinton is the nominee -- time for Democrats to rally the troops. Put Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown in that corner. Brown spoke with Ohio's Democratic delegation this morning on day 3 of the RNC. He says 90% of Bernie Sanders supporters poll in favor of Clinton, and thinks most will come on board by November.

The Cleveland Democrat wasn't shy about taking on Donald Trump on the issue of free trade and economic growth, noting that while Trump was scheduled for Toledo today it was the Democrats who saved auto manufacturing jobs. He also bashed Trump for portrayiing himself as a friend of working Americans with deep reservations about trade deals, noting many of the products bearing the Trump name aren't even made in the United States and much of Trump's wealth was based on business overseas.


Brown also described himself as "honored" going through the vetting for consideration as running mate, the post that eventually went to fellow Senator Tim Kaine, whom Brown describes as one of his closest friends in the Senate.

Published in Local
Thursday, 21 July 2016 17:44

CBS News' Schieffer Recaps "Most Unusual" RNC

With the Republican National Convention winding down, how does it stack up with past conventions?

Bob Schieffer would know. The veteran CBS newsman has been covering conventions since 1968. While he says he hasn't seen anything quite like the violence of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, he referred to this year's RNC as "the most unusual." He talked to Jasen Sokol Thursday afternoon about the RNC and next week's Democratic National Convention.

Published in Jasen Sokol
Wednesday, 20 July 2016 18:40

Trump Campaign Rents EJ For Akron Event

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump could make his next stop after the convention in Akron.

The University of Akron confirms to WAKR.net that the Trump campaign has rented E.J. Thomas Hall for a late afternoon Friday event.

The rental was first reported by the Akron Beacon Journal.

The event would take place the day after Trump officially accepts the Republican nomination, in a speech Thursday at the Republican National Convention.

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CBS Evening News anchorman Scott Pelley talks to WAKR's Jasen Sokol about the challenges of covering the Trump campaign, why he believes Ohio is critical in winning the presidential race, and how well he thinks Cleveland has done hosting the Republican National Convention.

Published in Jasen Sokol

Some were feeling the "Bern" -- and others were feeling the bipartisan love.

"We're out here, just spreading the love," said University of Akron student Dawson Mancabelli. "Trying to find some bi-partisanship between Bernie Sanders fans and Republicans who don't like Trump."

Mancabelli, dressed in khaki shorts and a blue blazer, managed to bring people together by simply carrying a sign that read "Hug a Republican" outside of the Bernie Sanders rally at the Akron Civic Theatre Monday afternoon.

416ecc2c-ec76-4c39-87f7-88b4cd972f17Dawson said it's about respect and support -- no matter which side of the political line you're on.

"I don't know if our message is going change anybody's mind, but it's good to show common ground between people who disagree."

Hundreds of people lined up outside of the Akron Civic Theatre for a chance to catch Sanders in their hometown. Mitchell Smith of Doylestown is an undecided voter who was looking to secure 

his decision before Tuesday's primary.

Kelsey McArdle of Kent came out to learn more about the candidate."I'm probably going to vote for [Hilllary Clinton], but I'm going to give Bernie a chance here today."

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"Going into this election a couple of months ago, initially I thought Clinton would be who I vote for, but I've kind of aligned myself more with Bernie and his thoughts and ideas with his campaign," said McCardle.

Jordan Davis, 17, has already made up his mind -- and is supporting Sanders for the Democatic presidential nomination.

"I think he has more enthusiasm than [Clinton] does," said Davis.

Davis is able to vote tomorrow thanks to a judge's ruling that says 17-year-olds who will turn 18 by the general election can vote in Ohio's primary.

Published in Local
Tuesday, 23 February 2016 15:35

Poll: Kasich Trails Trump In Ohio, Response

Depending on who you ask, Gov. Kasich is behind in the presidential primary polls in his home state, or at a "statistical dead heat" with Donald Trump here.

Quinnipiac's latest survey of the Republican field before Ohio's March 15th primary says Trump has a "small lead" over the state's governor.

The Kasich campaign calls that "a statistical tie" and points out that Senator Marco Rubio is much further behind Trump in his own home state of Florida...saying Kasich is in "a far better position" to win Ohio.

Quinnipiac officials say a Kasich win here in Ohio is "crucial" to stopping Trump from being nominated.

(Quinnipiac University Poll, news release) Not even native son Gov. John Kasich can stop the Donald Trump steamroller as Kasich falls behind the Republican front-runner 31 - 26 percent among Ohio likely Republican primary voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is at 21 percent with Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida at 13 percent and Dr. Ben Carson at 5 percent.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont 55 - 40 percent among Ohio likely Democratic primary voters, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh- pe-ack) University Poll finds.

Five percent of Republicans remain undecided and 38 percent of those who name a candidate say they might change their mind before the March 15 primary.

On the negative side, 32 percent of likely Republican primary voters say they "would definitely not support" Trump for the nomination, with 22 percent saying no to Cruz.

Trump tops Kasich 35 - 26 percent among men, with 23 percent for Cruz and 9 percent for Rubio. Women are divided, with 27 percent for Trump and 26 percent for Kasich, 19 percent for Cruz and 17 percent for Rubio.

"The Donald Trump train begins the three-week campaign for Ohio's crucial delegates on the right track and holds a small lead over the Buckeye State's own governor, John Kasich," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"A Kasich Ohio win is crucial to the Republicans trying to stop the New York businessman's nomination. If Trump can defeat Kasich in his home state, that would be an impressive demonstration of his strength in a state that is just now getting attention. But Trump's lead is just 5 points, certainly not large enough for him to breathe easy."

"Also impressive for Trump is that 78 percent of his supporters say their mind is made up, higher than supporters of other GOP candidates, especially Kasich. Yet Trump's favorability ratings are lower than the other GOP candidates," Brown added.

"Former Secretary Hillary Clinton has a solid double-digit lead over Sen. Sanders, but anything can happen in three weeks of presidential politics."

Kasich has the best favorability rating, 77 - 14 percent, among Ohio likely Republican primary voters. Rubio has a 62 - 17 percent favorability, with Cruz at 60 - 27 percent and Trump at 57 - 36 percent.


From February 16 - 20, Quinnipiac University surveyed 759 Ohio likely Republican primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 3.6 percentage points and 518 Ohio likely Democratic primary voters with a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and the nation as a public service and for research.

(Kasich for President, news release) When it comes to winning home state primaries, John Kasich is in a far superior position when compared to Senator Rubio.

A new poll this morning shows John Kasich in a statistical tie against Donald Trump in Ohio. Meanwhile, Senator Rubio is significantly behind Trump in Florida.

Rubio is losing to Trump by 26 points. Even if every single Bush supporter went for Rubio, he would still be down by 17 points in his own home state.

John Kasich is in far better position to win Ohio — where new poll numbers show him in a statistical tie versus Trump.

In the same poll, more conservatives say they would absolutely not support Senators Cruz and Rubio than they would John Kasich.

Additionally, Kasich's favorability from tea party conservatives is on par with Cruz and better than Rubio, while Kasich dominates among "somewhat conservative" and "moderate" voters.

Winning the nomination requires a candidate who is in a strong position to carry the state that knows them best, and Kasich is in a far better position to do that than Senator Rubio.

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