Displaying items by tag: event

Wednesday, 06 April 2016 06:50

Charity Event To Honor Zak Husein

Family, friends, and even strangers are preparing for the upcoming charity event to honor University of Akron student Zak Husein who was killed last December in a pizza shop robbery. Student organizer Justin Cohen is teaming up with StopHungerNow to package food for those in need in honor of Husein.

The event is on April 19th -- but they're still in need of donations to make the event happen. More than $7,000 in donations have been collected, but the goal is set at $14,500 in order to package 50,000 meals for those in need.

Click here for more information on the upcoming charity event.

Previous Coverage: 

Police Still Searching For Husein's Killer

Zak Husein: A Life By Example

UPDATE VIDEO 21-Year-Old Shot, Killed In Akron



Published in Local