Tuesday, 23 May 2017 07:02

Akron Man On Most Wanted Fugitive List

US Marshalls are on the hunt for their fugitive of the week--Mark Eugene Clay, and an unknown accomplice, who who held a 62 year old Akron at gunpoint while they robbed her home last month. The victim told police she recognized Clay as a friend of her son's.

Clay is wanted on aggravated robbery, abduction, and aggravated burglary charges. Marshalls say he's armed and dangerous, and a reward is being offered for his arrest. 


(U.S. Marshal) The Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force is offering a reward for information which would lead to the capture of fugitive Mark Eugene Clay. Clay is wanted by the U.S. Marshals Service and the Akron Police Department for aggravated robbery, abduction, and aggravated burglary. On April 26, Clay and an unknown accomplice broke into a 62 year old woman's home. Clay and the accomplice tried to tie her up with but when that didn't work they held a gun to her head until they searched her home for valuables.

The men fled the scene in a grey SUV.  Clay is a 24 year old black male standing approximately 6'03" and weighing 190 pounds. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Clay is believed to be hiding in the Akron area and should be considered armed and dangerous. 

If you have any information in reference to Mark Clay, please contact the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force at 1-866-4WANTED or Text keyword WANTED and tip to 847411 (tip411) Tipsters can remain anonymous and reward money is available

Thursday, 18 May 2017 08:59

Don't Get Ticked!

The mild winter is leading to unwanted guests for the spring and summer -- and Metro Parks is among those hoping you don't get too "ticked" off. Naturalists say there's been an explosion of ticks, bringing with 'em pain and even illness from the bites. That includes deer ticks, the American dog tick and the lone star tick found in southern Ohio. Deer ticks are about the size of a sesame seed and love the woods, dog ticks like meadows. If you pick 'em off you with tweezers save 'em -- Metro Parks says that can help doctors if you get sick later.

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(Summit Metro Parks) Summit Metro Parks officials want visitors to be prepared, not ticked off. Ticks are unwelcome guests, and bites from the little arachnids can cause pain and possible illness. “The last couple of mild winters have resulted in a small explosion of ticks in the county,” Summit Metro Parks biologist Rob Curtis said. “One of the best things we can do for the public is make them aware, so they can be prepared.”

Spokesperson Nathan Eppink said the park district is sharing information about ticks on social media, on its website – summitmetroparks.org – and in park kiosks in locations where ticks may be encountered. Ticks can be picked up on low-growing vegetation any time temperatures are above freezing, but they are most active in spring and fall. Ohio has three types of hard-bodied ticks. The most common is the American dog tick, followed by the blacklegged tick, which is often called the deer tick. The lone star tick is generally only found in southern Ohio. Deer ticks, which are black and often have a rust colored crescent, are about the size of a sesame seed, prefer the woods and can be active year-round. Dog ticks are larger, are brown with a light ornamentation or pattern on their backs, and prefer grassy areas like meadows and prairies.

Ticks are blood feeders, meaning they must find a host, take a bite and then drink their meal. They need to feed for at least 24 hours before disease transmission to the host is possible, so the best way to prevent illness is to prevent ticks from even getting on you – and on your dog. Ways to reduce tick encounters include:

-Use a bug spray containing at least 25% DEET.
- Wear a long-sleeve shirt and long pants tucked into your boots or socks.
- Stay on designated trails and avoid brushing up against adjacent vegetation.
- Wear clothing that is light in color so you can easily see and remove ticks. Tumble dry clothing or gear on high heat for an hour to kill any ticks you may have missed.
- Keep pets leashed and on trails during walks. (Leash laws apply in the Metro Parks anyway. The maximum length is 8 feet.)

If you are bitten by a tick, here’s how to safely remove it:

- Using a pair of tweezers, firmly grasp the tick near its head.
- Using even pressure, pull the tick straight out until it is no longer attached. Check the tick to make sure its head came out, too.
- After the tick has been removed, wash the area with soap and water.
- Do not throw the tick away. Place it in a plastic bag, and then put it in the freezer or a container with rubbing alcohol. This way, if you go to the doctor, you can give them the tick that bit you. 


Thursday, 18 May 2017 08:46

Woman Killed In 271 Construction Wreck

Summit County deputies say it was a 52-year old woman killed in a crash on I-271 in Northfield Township yesterday morning. She was in a 2012 Toyota Corolla that hit a construction trailer that was being unloaded on the berm as she was heading south on the freeway.

She wasn't wearing a seat belt and speed appears to be a factor.

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(Summit Sheriff) On Wednesday, May 17th, 2017, at approximately 7:15 a.m., the Summit County Sheriff's Office responded to a crash in Northfield Center Township. The crash occurred on Interstate 271 south at the 16.5 mile marker.

The Summit Metro Crash Team responded to investigate the crash. A 2012 Toyota Corolla driven by a 52 year old female was traveling south and subsequently exited the right side of the roadway. The vehicle struck a construction equipment trailer that was being unloaded on the right berm. The female was pronounced dead on scene from the injuries sustained in the crash. One lane of Interstate 271 south was closed for approximately three hours.

The driver of the Toyota was not wearing a seatbelt. Speed appears to be a factor. The crash continues to be under investigation by the Summit Metro Crash Response Team

Thursday, 18 May 2017 07:07

Horrigan Closes Davenport BB Courts

A pick-up basketball game at Ellet's Davenport Park courts turned ugly, as fisticuffs and shoving led to gunfire. That was enough as far as Mayor Dan Horrigan was concerned; he ordered the nets taken down, the court gates chained and increased police patrols. Neighbors say the courts have been a problem for the Ellet area.

Horrigan released a statement saying ""I have heard the concerns of the Ellet community and am aware of the unsettling events at Davenport Park last night. I have temporarily shut down the basketball courts to alleviate community concerns while we gather additional feedback from residents. The future of the basketball courts at Davenport Park will be a community-driven decision. City parks are community assets that are designed to be enjoyed, accessible, and, above all, safe." 

Akron police say they've only had one report of a fight since March and a handful of other neighborhood complaints. Ellet Councilman Bob Hoch says he's wanted changes for at least two years, including not only the basketball courts but also other facilities used for football, baseball and softball. A Facebook video showing the original fight and then the sound of gunshots has since been taken down. 

Wednesday, 17 May 2017 04:20

VIDEO/AUDIO LaRose Sets Sights On SOS

Hudson Republican Frank LaRose is setting his sights on a statewide office. The State Senator is running for Secretary of State, using YouTube to get his message out to supporters.

He also joined The Jasen Sokol Show to discuss why he's running and what he plans to do if elected.


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(LaRose Campaign) Ohio Senator Frank LaRose today officially declared his candidacy for Ohio Secretary of State. LaRose is a two-term state senator from northeast Ohio and decorated combat veteran who served in the U.S. Army Special Forces. His candidacy was announced through a video posted on FrankLaRose.com and sent to supporters.

“I am running for Secretary of State because of my great respect for the power of free elections. Because of this, I have an unwavering commitment to protect the integrity of our elections and defend Ohioans access to this fundamental right,” said LaRose. “I believe our elected leaders must aspire to civility, find common ground and work together while still upholding their deeply held briefs. As a principled conservative, I have endeavored to work with my colleagues on opposing sides of an issue while holding true to my core beliefs.As Secretary of State, I will work to foster cooperation and inspire confidence in Ohio’s election system and those who administer it.

”As a Senator, LaRose has authored laws that protect the integrity of the ballot box, modernize voter registration and prevent voter fraud. His successful legislative initiatives include Ohio’s new online voter registration system and state funding for electronic poll books. LaRose has also authored legislation to reform Ohio’s redistricting process.In addition, LaRose has sponsored legislation eliminating antiquated business regulations and streamlining the interactions between state government and small business owners.

During the Iraq War, LaRose earned the Bronze Star for his service as a Green Beret in the U.S. Army Special Forces. As a Green Beret and also as a member of the 101st Airborne Division, he defended American interests in several troubled areas including Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and on the southern U.S. border.

“In Iraq and Kosovo, I had the privilege of witnessing dedicated men and women taking great risks to exercise their right to vote,” said LaRose. “I witnessed first hand their sacrifices in order to vote and have a voice in their government’s future for the first time in history.

As Ohio Secretary of State, those experiences will continue to inspire me as I work to administrator fair, free and open elections.”In advance of his candidacy for Secretary of State, LaRose has shadowed board of elections directors in multiple counties to learn more about their Election Day responsibilities. In recent months, he has visited with local Republican leaders in 80 of Ohio’s 88 counties and attended 38 local Republican Party events, such as Lincoln Day Dinners.

LaRose is a graduate of The Ohio State University. He lives in Hudson with his wife Lauren and their three young children.

LaRose key legislative initiatives include:

• Sponsored legislation that created Ohio’s first online voter registration system, enhancing access while combating fraud;

• Successfully pushed for state funding of electronic poll books;

• Championed legislation to reform Ohio’s legislative and congressional redistricting processes;• Sponsored legislation enhancing transparency by requiring electronic filing of campaign finance reports by local candidates;• Sponsored legislation to fund the replacement of aging voting equipment;

• Sponsored cost-savings elections legislation that would eliminate primary elections when only one candidate appears on a partisan ballot;

• Sponsored legislation eliminating antiquated small business regulations and streamlining communication between state government and small business owners; and• Co-sponsored legislation that reduced filing fees for new business registrations at the Ohio Secretary of State’s office.

LaRose career highlights include:

• Currently serving his second term in the Ohio Senate representing citizens in Stark, Summit and Wayne counties;

• Awarded the Bronze Star for his service as a Green Beret in Iraq; and• A 10-year U.S. Army veteran, serving in the 101st Airborne Division and the U.S. Special Forces, achieving the rank of Sergeant First Class

Wednesday, 17 May 2017 07:14

Akron Man Ordered Deported

An Akron man who admits to lying on his immigration papers will be deported. 59-year old Ilija Josipovic also got eight months of house arrest on top of the deportation order. When he came to the United States in 2002, prosecutors say he neglected to mention his military service was in a unit involved in war crimes in the former Yugoslavia.

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(US Justice Department) An Akron man was ordered deported for failing to disclose his involvement in a military unit engaged in war crimes in the former Yugoslavia, said David A. Sierleja, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, and Steve Francis, HSI Detroit Acting Special Agent in Charge.

Ilija Josipovic, 59, previously pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of immigration documents procured by fraud. U.S. District Judge Benita Pearson ordered Josipovic removed from the United States. He was also sentenced to eight months of house arrest.

"This defendant hid the fact that he was a member of a unit involved in atrocities in the former Yugoslavia," Sierleja said. "He does not deserve the protections and rights of a U.S. citizen when his conduct flew in the face of our nation's founding ideals." 

"The United States will never serve as a place of refuge for individuals seeking to distance themselves from their pasts," Francis said. "HSI will continue to use its unique authorities to ensure that alleged war criminals are brought to justice. "

Josipovic, on Feb. 1, 2012, possessed a Permanent Resident Card in his name, which he knew to be procured by means of a false claim and statement while obtaining an Ohio driver's license at the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles office 7744, located at 1030 East Tallmadge Avenue in Akron. On Sept. 10, 2014, he possessed a Permanent Resident Card in his name, which he knew to be procured by means of a false claim and statement while at his residence in Akron, according to court documents.

In 2002, Josipovic omitted or failed to disclose his military service in the 6th Battalion, Zvornik Infantry Brigade, Army of the Republic of Srpska, which began around May 25, 1992 and continued until approximately 1996, according to court documents.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason M. Katz following an investigation by the Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations

Wednesday, 17 May 2017 06:39

Fultz Families Set Up Charity Fund

Family members of Angela Boggs and Dennis Huggins are taking to GoFundMe.com to help raise money for funeral and other expenses. WAKR has confirmed the accounts were verified as coming from the family.

As of Wednesday morning, the accounts set up by daughter Brittany Boggs and neice Destiny Huggins had raised a total of nearly $40,000; their targets were $45,000.

Brittany wrote on her "My Life is Everything" page "On May 15th 2017 I lost everything and everyone I had. My mom, step dad, cat, dog and my 5 younger siblings in a house fire. I have nothing towards their funeral expenses and desperately need all of you guys help. Im reaching out to everyone to get the help I need seeing I have to bury 7 people. Please if you could donate anything to me as this time is very rough I will appreciate anything!! Please share."

Destiny wrote "They had 4 young children (Daisia, Kyle, Alivia, and Cameron) that also lost their lives. Angela's eldest son, Jared also lost his life in this tragic fire. There is a family of 7 that funeral arrangements will need to be made for. Dennis has a surviving son, Tyennis (20), and Angela has a surviving daughter, Brittany (18). We are asking for donations to assist with funeral arrangements and funds for the surving children. All prayers and donations are appreciated. Dennis is the brother of Pastor Tony Huggins, Sr. (Pastor of Shelton Temple Prayer COGIC)."





Brittany Boggs' GoFundMe





Destiny Huggins' GoFundMe

UPDATE Thursday, May 18 7:14 a.m.  Akron police are disputing the characterization of Patrick Boggs as a "person of interest" in the case, but haven't gone into more details following Boggs' arrest on a parole violation hold by Portage County deputies. The Portage County Sheriff's Office is referring media inquiries regarding Boggs to Akron police.

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The man described as either the ex-husband or estranged husband of one of the Fultz Street fire victims is being held in the Portage County Jail on a parole violation charge.

Channel 3 News is reporting Patrick Boggs served a 12 year sentence for arson and on domestic violence charges after threatening to kill Angela Boggs by dousing her with kerosene and threatening to set her on fire in 2001.

Police say he's not "considered a suspect", according to the Channel 3 Report, but a "person of interest" and referred any questions to the Akron Police Department.

Angela Boggs was among the seven left dead after the blaze Monday morning. Also killed was Dennis Huggins, father to four of the five children who died in the fire. They were identified as one year old Cameron Huggins; three year old Alivia Huggins; five year old Kylle Huggins; six year old Daisia Huggins, and 14 year old Jered Boggs.

An 18-year old family member was not home at the time of the fire as she was living in Sandusky.

Akron Public Schools had a crisis team including counselors at Helen Arnold CLC, where six year old Daisia attended elementary school classes. 14-year old Jered was reportedly an online charter school student.

Official cause of death and ID's are pending release of the Summit County Medical Examiner but a grandmother of the children made the ID's.

Thursday, 11 May 2017 14:15

Springfield Busts Arson Suspects

Springfield Township police made two arrests in connection with a pair of fires dating back to December of last year that left both homes smouldering with more than $100,000 in damages.

There were no injuries, since the houses on Celia Avenue and Carper Avenue were vacant at the time. Police said both blazes still posed a significant threat to health and safety, especially to the firefighters answering the call to duty.

18-year old William Conley of Akron and 18-year old Mickey Thrasher of Springfield Township were charged with Breaking and Entering and Aggravated Arson.  In addition, a 15-year old juvenile from Springfield Township was also arrested and charged.

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(Springfield Township PD) Detectives with the Springfield Township Police Department have made three arrests in two previously unsolved arsons within Springfield Township.

The fires at 483 Celia Ave. in December of 2016 and at 3440 Carper Ave. earlier this month, were intentionally set by the suspects with a combined loss of over $100,000. Both homes were vacant at the time of the fires but exposed firefighters to great risk in battling the blazes.

Arrested were 18 year old William Conley of Akron, 18 year old Mickey Thrasher of Springfield, and a 15 year old juvenile also from Springfield. All subjects were charged with Breaking and Entering and Aggravated Arson and are awaiting trial.

Thursday, 11 May 2017 13:35

Akron Dad Mistakenly Shoots Daughter

An Akron father can be grateful his fear at one o'clock in the morning didn't deprive him of his daughter.

Akron police say the man heard a noise before 1:00 in the morning at his home in on Onadago Avenue, and suspected it was an intruder. The man called out but got no response; when he saw a "shadowy figure" in the kitchen, he fired.

It turned out to be his 22-year old daughter who was supposed to be house-sitting somewhere else.

Police say she was transported to Summa's Akron City with non-life threatening injuries. At this point, no charges have been filed.

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(APD) Shortly before 1:00am this morning, officers responded to a shooting in the 1400 block of Onondago Avenue. The 42 year old male resident reported he heard someone entering his house and in the kitchen.

When the resident yelled to see who was in the kitchen, the person did not respond. The resident could see a shadowy figure, thinking it was an intruder, he fired a shot at the person. The person in the kitchen turned out to be his 22 year old daughter. She was transported to Akron City Hospital for non-life threatening injuries.

The daughter was supposed to be house sitting at another location. The shooting remains under investigation and no charges have been filed

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