Displaying items by tag: Election 2016

Wednesday, 09 November 2016 17:30

LeBron Reacts To Presidential Election Results

Published in Local
Monday, 07 November 2016 17:52

Presidential Race Hits Home Stretch

It's Election Eve, and the presidential candidates are criss-crossing key swing states in search of the votes they need to put them in the White House. Kyle Kondik, Managing Editor of Sabato's Crystal Ball, and Dave Cohen of the Bliss Institute at The University of Akron joined Jasen with a look at what to expect on Election Day.

Published in Jasen Sokol
Monday, 03 October 2016 18:21

Clinton Touts LeBron Endorsement In Akron

A candidate for President was in Akron Monday, but the King of the Rubber City was in the spotlight.

At an event at the newly-renovated Goodyear Hall, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton touted the endorsement he received from LeBron James in Monday's Akron Beacon Journal.

"I'm obviously delighted to be endorsed by someone who has demonstrated such leadership and such extraordinary ability," Clinton said. "He is someone who uses the platform he has earned, because he has worked so hard over so many years, to speak up and speak out for those who do not have a voice."

Clinton also blasted Republican candidate Donald Trump over The New York Times' reporting that he wrote off $916 million of losses on his tax returns in 1995. She responded to the assertion made by some Trump supporters, including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Fox News Sunday, that Trump is a genius for working the tax system to his advantage.

"What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in the first place?" Clinton quipped.

While Clinton benefitted from a bump in the national polls in the days after last week's presidential debate, the first post-debate Ohio poll tells a different story. The Quinnipiac University poll shows Trump leading by three points in head-to-head polling against Clinton, and five points when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included.

The event was billed as a voter registration event with just over a week until the registration deadline, but it was every bit a traditional campaign rally. The more than 2,500 people in attendance cheered loudly, waved signs, and applauded when asked if they were registered to vote.

Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan and Reps. Marcia Fudge and Tim Ryan spoke ahead of Clinton. A handful of protesters held pro-Trump signs outside.

Published in Local
Wednesday, 14 September 2016 21:17

Trump Touts Polls, Blasts Ford In Canton

Donald Trump did something Wednesday that he hasn't been able to do much since the end of the Republican primaries – tout his poll numbers.

Speaking to a crowd of several thousand at the Canton Civic Center, Trump began his remarks with a mention of polls from Bloomberg and CNN/ORC that show Trump leading Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton by five points in Ohio. Those numbers are the best Trump has had in Ohio against Clinton in the entire cycle, according to RealClearPolitics.

"There's a movement," Trump said of his chances of winning. "States are in play that no Republican has ever come close to winning."

Discussion of poll numbers has been conspicuously absent from Trump's recent Ohio stops after they were a centerpiece of his rally speeches across the country throughout the primary season.

Trump also blasted Ford, which announced Wednesday that it would be moving small car production to Mexico.

"If you think you're going to make cars and you're going to sell them tax free... Not going to happen that way," Trump said. "We're going to charge you a 35 percent tax on every car that is made outside of the United States."

Trump said car manufacturers and other companies moving from one state to another would be okay, quipping of states like Ohio and Michigan that there's "only so much I can do for you."

Referencing Clinton's battle with pneumonia that has forced to cancel campaign appearances this week, Trump said he wants her better and back on the campaign trail. But he criticized Clinton for the now-infamous "basket of deplorables" line, saying he doesn't see people who support Clinton as deplorable.

"I call people who aren't supporting me American citizens who are entitled to the same respect as everyone else," Trump said. "And I will not stop campaigning for every vote in every American city until November 8."

There was barely any reference made to the child care and family leave plans Trump rolled out Tuesday, but Trump made many mentions of his trip to Flint, Mich. earlier in the day.

Several speakers, including State Rep. Christian Hagan (R-Alliance), Summit County Republican Party Chairman Jeff Matthews, and The Apprentice star Omarosa, preceded Trump on the stage. Outside, a small group of protesters gathered across the Civic Center driveway to demonstrate against Trump.

Published in News
Tuesday, 15 March 2016 13:57

AUDIO: Bernie Sanders Talks To Jasen

It's Election Day, and the presidential candidates are making their final push in what are expected to be close races in both parties. We invited all six candidates from the major parties to come on the show, and only Sen. Bernie Sanders accepted our invitation. He talked to Jasen about his thoughts on the Ohio primary, his plan for free tuition at public universities, how he plans to pay for his policy proposals, and the lack of civility in the presidential campaign.

Polls close at 7:30 p.m. although voters in line at the time doors close can still vote their ballot.

Published in Jasen Sokol

Judith Lynn Lee and Matt Browarek are battling for the Democratic nomination for Ohio House District 38, a seat currently held by Republican incumbent Marilyn Slaby. Both candidates talked to Jasen about their ideas and plans for if they're elected.

Published in Jasen Sokol

Primary voters in New Hampshire are just hours away from casting their ballots in the first in the nation presidential primary. On the Republican side, it's believed to be a make-or-break primary for several candidates including Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Lindsay McCoy of WFMJ in Youngstown is following Kasich in the final days of his New Hampshire campaign. She joined Jasen to talk about the Kasich campaign and what it will take for him to stay in the race past Tuesday's primary.

Published in Local
Wednesday, 16 December 2015 15:18

AUDIO: GOP Debate Recap

In what was considered by many to be among the most substantive debates of the year, the nine highest polling Republican candidates for President squared off in Las Vegas with homeland security and the war on terror as the main focus. John Green from the Bliss Institute for Applied Politics at The University of Akron talks about his winners and losers and whether the race will change in the wake of the debate.

While all nine candidates got in their talking points on how to keep America safe, not all of them were true. Washington Post fact checker Michelle Lee ran down some of the most requested fact checks. 

Published in Jasen Sokol
Tuesday, 15 December 2015 17:56

AUDIO: GOP Debate Preview

The last Republican presidential debate of 2015 is tonight in Las Vegas with nine candidates set to be on the main stage for a debate that is expected to have a heavy focus on homeland security and fighting terrorism. Baldwin Wallace University political science professor Tom Sutton talks about what to expect from the candidates.


Published in Jasen Sokol