Displaying items by tag: fee

University of Akron board of trustees agreed to reverse the university's decision to impose a $50 per credit hour fee on upper-level courses -- but also agreed to cut 213 positions.

UA spokesman Wayne Hill said employees will be notified on Monday and Tuesday.

The moves were made after the university announced plans to eliminate a $60 million dollar shortfall over the next few years.

Trustees didn't take any questions from faculty, staff and students. Some waited two hours to speak after trustees held an executive session.

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UA Plans To Reverse $50 Credit Hour Fee

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Published in Local
Monday, 20 July 2015 09:33

UA Plans To Reverse $50 Credit Hour Fee

The University of Akron is planning to reverse its decision to add a $50 per credit hour fee on higher level courses.

President Scott Scarborough released a statement this morning announcing the change and plans to ask the Board of Trustees to remove the "upper-division program fee."

Scarborough plans to make the official recommendation at a special board meeting on July 27.

The Ohio Department of Higher Education was looking into the fee increase to determine if the fees were being used to get around Ohio's tuition freeze.


(UA President Scott Scarborough) "Following the passage of the state budget, The University of Akron has worked with the Chancellor's Office of the Ohio Department of Higher Education and with legislators to address how best our institution can achieve a sustainable financial position that protects academic quality and ensures the investments necessary to enable the University to fulfill its mission going forward.

"The University's Board of Trustees approved a FY2016 budget on June 10, prior to the adoption of the state budget. In addition to reducing expenditures significantly, the budget included several fee increases, including an upper-division program fee. The state budget adopted on June 30 contains an increase in the State Share of Instruction for higher education, with approximately $4 million in additional funding to UA. We are grateful to the legislature under the leadership of Senate President Keith Faber and House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger and to Governor John Kasich for the additional funding.

"We also appreciate the intention of Chancellor John Carey and State Representative Kirk Schuring to work with the state legislature to resolve a unique financial burden on UA resulting from its status as the only university participating in the School Employees Retirement System of Ohio (SERS). Due to SERS regulations, UA is forced to pay a 'surcharge' on its contribution to the system that artificially increases the university's payment by more than $1.2 million annually.

"I am asking our Board of Trustees to approve retracting the upper-division program fee previously established and amending the FY2016 operating budget accordingly. I will make that recommendation at a special Board meeting on July 27. The net change to the University's budget will be relatively flat due to the increase in state funding and the planned changes related to SERS."

Jonathan Pavloff, Chairman of UA's Board of Trustees, said, "The conversations with Chancellor Carey and legislative leadership have resulted in them better understanding and appreciating the steps we are taking to strengthen our financial position so that we can maintain our academic excellence and invest in the growth of the University. Their support of our efforts is very much appreciated."

Published in Local