Displaying items by tag: Jim Renacci

Friday, 13 September 2019 17:04

The Jasen Sokol Show Podcast 09/13/19

On this Banzai Friday edition of The Jasen Sokol Show, Jasen speaks with both former congressman Jim Renacci and Tara Samples on the Democratic debates (00:22, 09:47, respectively), and Austin Ward of Lettermen Row talks about the Buckeyes' upcoming game against the Hoosiers (19:04).

Published in Jasen Sokol
Thursday, 05 September 2019 09:58

Ray Horner Podcast - 9/5/2019

:19 - Bob Newhart turns 90 today. Ray and Tony are big fans of his, and they looked back at his career and his two major sitcoms from the ‘70s and ‘80s. They also shared some fun facts about the ‘70s version, The Bob Newhart Show.

8:30 - Now that he’s not in Washington anymore, what is Jim Renacci up to? Well, for starters, he has a new book out, and the fellow Wadsworth native joined Ray in studio to discuss his time in Congress, his thoughts on President Trump’s trade war with China, and immigration.

18:35 - Why are men so stubborn when it comes to going to the doctor? Cleveland Clinic-Akron General is trying to figure that out. Dr. Jay Krishman is a urologist, and he shared some reasons why men avoid the doctor in their new survey in their annual MENtion It campaign.

Be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms. Facebook: 1590WAKRakron Instagram: @1590WAKR Twitter: @1590WAKR, @Rayinthemorning, @TonyMazur

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Wednesday, 07 November 2018 10:38

Ray Horner Podcast - 11/7/2018

:17 - It’s the morning after election day, and Ray Horner and 1590 WAKR have you covered! Before we went state and nationwide, Ray caught up with Akron mayor Dan Horrigan about moving the primary to May, which ended up passing.

5:38 - Dr. David Beer is a political scientist at Malone University, and he shared his views on the senate and house races, as well as the gubernatorial election in Ohio. Specifically, Dr. Beer points to just how red Republican Ohio is getting.

12:19 - After a few tries, a school levy has passed in Norton. Superintendent of Norton schools, Dana Addis, discussed the victory.

16:09 -Another local victory in Summit County was Issue 8. Julie Barnes from Summit County Children Services called in to discuss what this means for the residents in the area.

20:54 - With another look at the Ohio senate and gubernatorial races, Dr. David Cohen, professor of political science at the Bliss Institute, broke down what occurred.

31:06 - To cleanse the political palette, it’s time for the Academic Exam! Two students from Copley-Fairlawn High School stopped by to compete, and this friendly competition is brought to you by the Akron-Summit County Public Library.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Thursday, 11 January 2018 10:21

Renacci Leaves Governors Race for OH Senate Race

U.S. Representative Jim Renacci is dropping Ohio Governor's Race to challenge Sherrod Brown in the U.S. Senate Race in Ohio.

In a statement released Thursday, Renacci said he attended a meeting at the White House earlier this week, when he was asked to drop out of the Governor's race, and run for U.S. Senate.

The former Republican challenger to Brown, Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel announced he is suspending his campaign for the U.S. Senate due to his wife's health. 

Below is the is the official statement from the Renacci Campaign: 

Dear Friends, 

As many of you know, after spending most of my career in the business world, a few years ago I chose to run for Congress because I was deeply concerned over the direction of our country and its lack of accountable leadership in Washington. 

Having grown up on the cusp of poverty in western Pennsylvania, and later dedicated myself to raising a family and growing businesses across Ohio, entering the political arena was never part of the path that I envisioned for my life.  However, it was sense of duty to restoring effective, conservative leadership to government that drove me into national politics in the first place—and it’s that sense of duty that has guided my approach towards public service ever since. 

And as many of you also know, several months ago, after witnessing years of dysfunction in Washington, I announced my intention to leave the House of Representatives to run for Governor Ohio.  Yet, while I believe as firmly today as I did then that my decades of experience in the business world would deliver needed stewardship to our state, true leadership requires a willingness to always put country first and answer a call to action in service to the nation.

Earlier this week I was asked to attend a meeting at the White House, at which I was asked to help protect the future of President Trump’s agenda by entering Ohio’s 2018 race for the United States Senate.  While my strong distaste for Washington and the political establishment is as fervent as ever, so too is my commitment to advancing the President’s agenda for a stronger and more prosperous America. And for that reason I’ve agreed to answer the call to service and enter the race for United States Senate. The drive to change the status quo is stronger than ever and I couldn’t be more grateful for the support I have received from Amy Murray, who served as the Lieutenant Governor candidate on our ticket, and who will now serve as the statewide Chair of my campaign for the United States Senate.

Over the coming weeks and months ahead I look forward to offering Ohioans a clear alternative to far left, career politician Sherrod Brown and earning the support of voters in every corner our state.  I thank you sincerely for your support and please keep an eye out for news coming directly from our Senate campaign, which we are launching today.  It will be a true honor to serve as your next United States Senator.  


Published in Local
A talking point that Congressman Jim Renacci has discussed often is how Americans are tired of career politicians making decisions, both locally and nationally. That was evidenced last November when Donald Trump, a businessman-turned-politician, was elected president.

Congressman Jim Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show in studio to talk about his own campaign for governor. Renacci, a long-time businessman much like Trump, has thrown his hat in the race for governor in 2018.

In addition to the goings on in Ohio, Rep. Renacci also discussed the incidents in Charlottesville, the Affordable Care Act, and national security when dealing with North Korea.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
A talking point that Congressman Jim Renacci has discussed often is how Americans are tired of career politicians making decisions, both locally and nationally. That was evidenced last November when Donald Trump, a businessman-turned-politician, was elected president.

Congressman Jim Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show in studio to talk about his own campaign for governor. Renacci, a long-time businessman much like Trump, has thrown his hat in the race for governor in 2018.

In addition to the goings on in Ohio, Rep. Renacci also discussed the incidents in Charlottesville, the Affordable Care Act, and national security when dealing with North Korea.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Thursday, 17 August 2017 09:51

AUDIO: Renacci On Healthcare, Career Politicians

A talking point that Congressman Jim Renacci has discussed often is how Americans are tired of career politicians making decisions, both locally and nationally. That was evidenced last November when Donald Trump, a businessman-turned-politician, was elected president. Congressman Jim Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show in studio to talk about his own campaign for governor. Renacci, a long-time businessman much like Trump, has thrown his hat in the race for governor in 2018. In addition to the goings on in Ohio, Rep. Renacci also discussed the incidents in Charlottesville, the Affordable Care Act, and national security when dealing with North Korea.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Monday, 31 July 2017 05:19

Summit Triangle Building Named for Russ Pry

One year since his passing, former Summit County Executive Russ Pry has been honored by current County Executive Ilene Shapiro and his other former colleagues.

On Monday, the Triangle Building at 1180 S. Main St. in downtown Akron was rededicated as the Russell M. Pry Building.

"We are proud to honor our late friend and County Executive in dedicating this building in his name," Shapiro said in front of a packed room.

Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan talked about Pry's commitment to the people of the community, and to his fellow public servants. "There's not enough of an honor you can do (for Pry)," Horrigan said.

Congressmen Tim Ryan and Jim Renacci reinforced Pry's insistance on working across party lines to do what was right and what was needed for the people of Summit County. They both added that Pry was committed to making his fellow politicians better public servants.

After a battle with colon cancer and complications following surgery in June of last year, Pry passed away July 31, 2016, at the age of 58. He was in his 9th year as County Executive. 

Published in Local

The Senate's failure to pass a health care bill last week left people wondering what will happen to the health care system in America. Will the health care bill commonly known as Obamacare be repealed and replaced with something else? Will it merely be changed? Will Republicans and Democrats be able to work in a bipartisan fashion to improve health care?

Rep. Jim Renacci stopped by The Jasen Sokol Show on Monday to answer those questions, talk about why Republicans couldn't get a bill passed, and talk about what Congress will focus on next.

Published in Jasen Sokol

The Senate health care bill fizzled out Monday after two more senators announced they wouldn't support it, bringing the total to four and leaving Republicans with less than 50 senators who would vote yes. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell then announced that he would put forward a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act after a two year transition period.

Rep. Jim Renacci joined Jasen Tuesday to give his thoughts on the health care bill, why he will support a repeal bill in the House, and what should be done to fix the health care system.

Published in Jasen Sokol
Two days after the shootings in Alexandria, Virginia on GOP members practicing baseball, Washington D.C. is still shaken from the impact. The charity baseball game was always a way for both parties to come together, but this time even more so.

Congressman Jim Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show to talk about his op-ed in the Columbus Dispatch, which calls for the parties to begin working together. In his six-and-a-half years in congress, Renacci believes the political rhetoric is out of control, saying the bipartisan measures rarely get reported. He stresses the importance of the parties working together on bigger issues such as solving the debt.

The Ohio congressman was at a bipartisan breakfast when the shootings occurred, and he discussed his relationship with House Whip Steve Scalise and his fellow Republicans on the baseball field.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
The United States pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord was not popular with everyone, but supporters on the Republican side of the spectrum were pleased.

Congressman Jim Renacci was one of those Republicans, and he joined the Ray Horner Morning Show to discuss it. Renacci says being part of the climate accord would have been a costly endeavor for the US, and the focus should be domestic. The former Wadsworth mayor is happy to see jobs in the coal industry making a comeback.

Rep. Renacci also touched on the attacks in London, calling them “heartbreaking.” He has been a staunch supporter of the Travel Ban, and attacks such as London and Manchester prove why the United States needs to be protected.

Much like the president, Renacci has not always been a politician. Recently, he was endorsed by Bikers For Trump and Citizens For Trump, and he shared the gratitude he has for his supporters early on in his race for the governorship.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
The second phase of repealing and replacing Obamacare was rolled out last week, and this time around, the new bill helped unite more Republicans.

Congressman Jim Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show, guest-hosted by Tony Mazur, to talk about his support of the bill. Renacci spoke of the importance of the new bill, and attempted to clear up any confusion over pre-existing conditions.

In addition to healthcare, Rep. Renacci also touched on President Trump’s first 100 days in office, the election in France, and the race for Ohio governor, which he is a part of.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Monday, 20 March 2017 10:24

Renacci Announces 2018 Ohio Governor Run

Ohio U.S. Representative Jim Renacci has put the speculation to rest, confirming his entry into the 2018 Ohio Governor's race Monday morning. 

The announcement that he's filed the official paperwork with Secretary of State Jon Husted's office came in the 9 a.m. hour. 

In a release, Renacci said, "For far too long, career politicians in both Washington and Columbus have been looking out for themselves, not us, and now more than ever we need a serious, conservative outsider to lead our state who will always put Ohio first. We need a leader who will end the “pay to play” sweetheart deals that have corrupted Columbus.  We need a leader who truly understands what it takes to keep and attract good paying jobs to Ohio and who knows how to simplify our tax code for Ohio families and businesses. And we need a leader who will put an end to the over-regulation that continues to hold Ohio’s economy back."

See the Renacci Campaign video:  

Published in Local
Monday, 13 March 2017 09:55

AUDIO: Rep. Renacci On 2018 Governor Race

With John Kasich’s term as governor ending in 2018, a collection of names have either confirmed or have been rumored to run. Could Jim Renacci one of them?

Congressman Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show, and said he is definitely considering a run for governor. Based on the 2016 election, Renacci believes the people are “fed up” with career politicians, and that the voters would like to see a change.

Rep. Renacci also touched on Obamacare, which he believes should be “dismantled,” as well as the revised travel ban.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
President Trump is actively filling out his cabinet, though he is encountering a few roadblocks from the political opposition.

Congressman Jim Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show for his monthly visit, and he spoke about the “unique and different” cabinet the president is putting together. He wishes the Democrats could give the president a chance to succeed by getting the members on board as soon as possible, rather than delaying matters.

Rep. Renacci also touched on education, specifically about student loan debt and Betsy DeVos, the newly-confirmed Education Secretary. The Ohio congressman also spoke about the Congressional Review Act, which is an act that congressional leaders put forth to overturn certain bills pushed by an outgoing president at the end of his term.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Friday, 27 January 2017 10:21

AUDIO: Rep. Renacci On Trump, TPP

Week one of the Trump Administration is in the books, and his pen has used a lot of ink.

Congressman Jim Renacci was in attendance for the January 20th inauguration, and he joined the Ray Horner Morning Show to recap the week that was. Renacci commented on Trump’s executive orders and bills being signed, saying it was “exciting” to see the new president accomplish this much this soon.

Rep. Renacci, also a businessman-turned-politician, touched on TPP, saying he has been frustrated with America’s tax codes and trade agreements over the years. He also talked about bipartisan leadership, the Alaskan pipeline, and the proposed wall on the Mexican border.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Monday, 19 December 2016 20:34

AUDIO: Renacci Lays Out 2017 Priorities

Rep. Jim Renacci (R-Wadsworth) is looking ahead to next year and the beginning of the Trump administration with several bills he plans to propose in the new session of Congress, including bills on infrastructure and the budget. He joined Jasen to talk about those bills, his thoughts on a congressional investigation into alleged Russian hacking, and the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act.

Published in Jasen Sokol
Monday, 05 December 2016 09:58

AUDIO: Rep. Renacci Weighs In On Trump Cabinet

The transition from President Obama to President-Elect Trump is well underway. Just this morning, Dr. Ben Carson was named Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Congressman Jim Renacci shared his thoughts on the transition with the Ray Horner Morning Show. Renacci is pleased with said transition, feeling this is an opportunity to move government forward. He believes the Republican Party may be slowly coming together, but stresses the need for bipartisanship.

In addition to the cabinet, Rep. Renacci discussed the Cures Act and the Establishing Equity in the Hospital Readmission Program.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Tuesday, 22 November 2016 19:07

AUDIO: Could Renacci Be Treasury Secretary?

Rep. Jim Renacci (R-Wadsworth) was one of President Elect Donald Trump's earliest supporters in Ohio, and now his name is in the national discussion for a cabinet post.

A Forbes column last week made the case as to why Renacci should receive an appointment. Renacci joined Jasen and said while he has had discussions with Trump's transition team, he has not talked with Trump specifically about a cabinet post.

Published in Jasen Sokol
Tuesday, 02 August 2016 09:27

AUDIO: Rep. Renacci Reviews His Tax Plan

Each month, Congressman Jim Renacci joins the Ray Horner Morning Show to discuss a wide array of topics concerning citizens both locally and nationally.

The Ohio congressman called to discuss his new tax plan, one in which he has been pushing for years. Renacci believed there needed to be an overhaul in our tax system, so he took matters into his own hands. The goal for his tax plan is to watch out for the middle class and to ensure businesses keep hiring.

In addition to his tax plan, Rep. Renacci recapped July’s Republican National Convention and how he will spend the month of August meeting with his district’s mayors and citizens.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Congressman Jim Renacci has been very vocal on his warnings about identity theft, and he is taking the appropriate steps to further prevent it from occurring in the Social Security Administration. Rep. Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show to discuss legislation on what documents are deemed necessary and unnecessary to include social security numbers through the mail.

The Ohio congressman also touched on the bill to reform the hospitals readmissions program, as well as the upcoming Republican National Convention coming through the area.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Congressman Jim Renacci joins the Ray Horner Morning Show on WAKR each month to discuss a slew of topics.

One of those happens to be Law Enforcement Week, and a hot point during the week is the protective vests for police officers. Renacci believes the reauthorization of dollars to help fund the vests will be beneficial to smaller communities.

Rep. Renacci also touched on the opioid bill that is about to hit the House, as well as the Nexus pipeline through Summit County and the backing of Donald Trump with fellow Republicans.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Each month, Congressman Jim Renacci joins the Ray Horner Morning Show to discuss a slew of topics.

First, there has been plenty of talk about a brokered Republican National Convention this July up in Cleveland. Rep. Renacci believes, no matter what, this convention will be beneficial to the region. As for the Republican Party, Renacci stressed that a brokered convention has happened before, and the Republican Party should survive no matter what.

In addition to the convention, tax day is also around the corner. Rep. Renacci urges folks to watch their identity and protect it from being stolen when filing taxes.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
We’ve all heard stories about identity theft, and some folks have had it happen to them. Theft has even been detected in tax returns.

Congressman Jim Renacci joined the Ray Horner Morning Show to talk about consumer protection and how to inform the people. Rep. Renacci also mentioned his hosting Military Academy Day on March 19th, which will be in Green.

Renacci also shared thoughts on the upcoming Ohio primary. "I feel the frustration of the American people, said Renacci. ”And I have to live it every day.”

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Each month, Congressman Jim Renacci joins the Ray Horner Morning Show to discuss a slew of topics. \

The first of those topics included this week’s Iowa Caucus and the corresponding results. Renacci says he “doesn’t rely on polls,” and hopes the voting public really checks the background and experience of the candidates.

Renacci also brought up the reconciliation bill, as well as the unsteady Chinese economy. The former Wadsworth mayor mentioned the country’s trade dealings and the global economy itself.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Each month, Congressman Jim Renacci joins the Ray Horner Morning Show to discuss a variety of topics, both statewide and nationwide. This time, the focus was on President Obama's recent executive order on gun control.

Renacci believes the order on gun sales was a “disappointment” and an attack on the Constitution. "What we have here is a president who sidesteps checks and balances,” says Renacci.

The Ohio congressman also touched on the popularity of Donald Trump and the need to work together on issues such as gun violence and the national debt.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 09:56

AUDIO: Jim Renacci On Visa Bill, National Security

Each month, Congressman Jim Renacci joins the Ray Horner Morning Show to discuss a variety of topics, both local and national.

In the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino shootings, Renacci gave his thoughts on immigration and national security.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 18:48

AUDIO: Local Reps Address Refugee Crisis

One of the biggest debates in the wake of the deadly terror attacks in Paris has been whether to accept refugees from Syria. The governors of 32 states have asked the federal government to not place Syrian refugees in their states, and there is speculation that Republicans in Congress may insert language into a key spending bill to block Syrian refugees from being accepted into the United States.

Rep. Jim Renacci (R-Wadsworth) believes Ohio Gov. John Kasich made the right decision by calling for Syrians to not be placed in Ohio.

"We need to ensure those coming over have no ties to ISIS or other terrorist organizations. We need to have a system in place, we need to be screening." Renacci said. "If we can't do that, we shouldn't just be allowing individuals to come in."

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Niles) sees it differently. While he also wants to make sure terrorists don't enter the country, he says there are safeguards in place to ensure the wrong people don't come in.

"If we don't know something... or we don't know who exactly you are, you don't get in the country," Ryan said.

When asked about the "gaps" in the ability to vet Syrian refugees noted last month by FBI director James Comey, Ryan said a refugee whose information falls into one of those gaps would not gain entry into the United States.

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill that would, among other changes, require FBI background checks for refugees. The Associated Press reports President Barack Obama has threatened to veto the bill if it reaches his desk.

Published in Jasen Sokol