Displaying items by tag: President Obama

Thursday, 10 November 2016 15:38

President Welcomes World Champion Cavs

The Cleveland Cavaliers went to the White House on Thursday afternoon, and got congratulations on their NBA championship from President Obama.

On the White House East Lawn, the President listed some of the key highlights of the Cavaliers' Game 7 win over the Golden State Warriors.

"There was the block, what LeBron has said was the defining play of his career, the shot by Kyrie, putting the Cavs up five, the stop by Kevin Love," he recalled.

And President Obama said he knows the championship ended Cleveland's tortured sports history.

"The city that throughout sports history has been through a lot," the President said, listing some of the more infamous local sports moments, "the Fumble, the Drive, Jordan over Ehlo, a whole lot more...but through it all, Cleveland was always Believeland, and that's why...and that's why the Cavs have always given back to their fans and the community that's been loyal to them."

President Obama mentioned, among other things Cavaliers team members have done for the community, LeBron James sponsoring University of Akron scholarships for Akron school students.

The President got an "Obama / 16" Cavaliers jersey from Kevin Love.

The president says the Cavaliers were already a championship team before last year, and that Cleveland should be proud of them.

Published in Local
Tuesday, 12 July 2016 16:44

Anti-Opioid Bill One Step From President

The Comprehensive Addition and Recovery Act - or "CARA" - has had a long journey through Congress that will end soon.

After the House passed a conference committee report by a 407 to 5 vote, the Senate is expected to take a vote Wednesday.

Ohio U.S. Senator Rob Portman sponsored the original Senate bill...and says the new law is needed more than ever.

"Sadly over the past several weeks, we have seen examples in Cleveland, and in Akron and in Dayton and other communities," Sen. Portman told reporters in a conference call Tuesday, "of record levels of overdoses and overdose deaths."

He says there are about 200,000 Ohioans who are addicted, and about 2,000 Ohioans who die every year from overdoses.

Sen. Portman says the bill is better for additions made by the House.

He says he hopes President Obama will quickly sign it when it gets to his desk.

Published in Local
Thursday, 25 February 2016 15:43

Local Congress Members React To Guantanamo Bay

President Obama's renewed call to close Guantanamo Bay could end up in Congress this year.

And as you might expect, two area Congress members from two different parties have different opinions.

Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan agrees that "Gitmo" should be closed. He says it hurts our relations with other countries...

On WAKR's Jasen Sokol Show, Ryan says the existence of Guantanamo Bay hurts U.S. negotiations over other countries' human rights issues. 

Republican Congressman Jim Renacci says Guantanamo Bay should stay open...especially given the current world security situation. Renacci tells WAKR's Jasen Sokol that keeping terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay keeps Americans safe

Renacci says that it's against the law to move terrorist prisoner suspects to the U.S., a law passed in 2014 and signed by President Obama.


Published in Jasen Sokol
Each month, Congressman Jim Renacci joins the Ray Horner Morning Show to discuss a variety of topics, both statewide and nationwide. This time, the focus was on President Obama's recent executive order on gun control.

Renacci believes the order on gun sales was a “disappointment” and an attack on the Constitution. "What we have here is a president who sidesteps checks and balances,” says Renacci.

The Ohio congressman also touched on the popularity of Donald Trump and the need to work together on issues such as gun violence and the national debt.

Published in WAKR RAY HORNER