Thursday, 25 February 2016 15:43

Local Congress Members React To Guantanamo Bay

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President Obama's renewed call to close Guantanamo Bay could end up in Congress this year.

And as you might expect, two area Congress members from two different parties have different opinions.

Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan agrees that "Gitmo" should be closed. He says it hurts our relations with other countries...

On WAKR's Jasen Sokol Show, Ryan says the existence of Guantanamo Bay hurts U.S. negotiations over other countries' human rights issues. 

Republican Congressman Jim Renacci says Guantanamo Bay should stay open...especially given the current world security situation. Renacci tells WAKR's Jasen Sokol that keeping terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay keeps Americans safe

Renacci says that it's against the law to move terrorist prisoner suspects to the U.S., a law passed in 2014 and signed by President Obama.


Read 2050 times Last modified on Thursday, 25 February 2016 15:57