Friday, 16 September 2016 06:35

1590 WAKR Student Athlete of the Week: Lauren Stanley

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This week, our 1590 WAKR Student Athlete of the Week is Lauren Stanley from Garfield High School.

Lauren has been a cheerleader for the Golden Rams since her freshman year, and is now a team captain. Being a cheerleader, her favorite school slogan is "Ram Pride, Win or Lose."

Lauren plans on attending The Ohio State University as an undergrad, then hopefully to The University of Akron to study pre-law. She is a member of the 3.0 GPA Club, as well as a member of the Junior Leadership program.

On top of her school and cheerleading responsibilities, Lauren also holds down a job. When she does have a little bit of free time, she likes to hang out with friends and continue to practice her cheerleading skills.

Her favorite thing about attending Garfield is the school spirit and her teachers, who continuously push her to do her very best.

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